DJI M350 with AerialOGI payload



Aircraft, DJI RC Plus, Carring Case, Landing Gear X2, Matrice 350 RTK 2110s Propellers (Pair), Screws and Tools, Cleaning Tools, Spare Gimbal Damper


Revolutionize your leak detection workflow with the DJI M350 drone and AerialOGI’s optical gas imaging (OGI) payload. This powerful combination offers unmatched accuracy in pinpointing methane, propane, and other hydrocarbon gas leaks, saving you time, money, and resources. To address these challenges, the M350 with AerialOGI efficiently detects invisible leaks, minimizing environmental impact and enhancing worker safety.

Unleash the Power of Precision Leak Detection

The DJI M350 drone equipped with the AerialOGI payload is a game-changer for the Oil and Gas industry seeking a faster, more efficient leak detection solution. This integrated platform delivers unmatched precision, empowering you to:

  • Reduce Inspection Times: Conduct thorough inspections in less time compared to traditional methods.
  • Minimize Environmental Impact: Furthermore, quickly identify and resolve leaks, reducing harmful gas emissions.
  • Enhance Worker Safety: Moreover, detect leaks from a safe distance, keeping your team out of harm’s way.
  • Generate Detailed Reports: Produce comprehensive reports with geospatial data for improved record-keeping.

DJI M350: Reliable & Rugged Drone Platform

Built for professional use, the DJI M350 delivers extended flight times for comprehensive inspections and superior stability for precise data capture.

AerialOGI Payload: High-Sensitivity Gas Imaging

Equipped with a high-sensitivity optical gas imaging (OGI) Camera, the AerialOGI payload visualizes leaks in real-time with pinpoint accuracy. In addition, identify specific gas types for targeted repairs.

DJI M350 Specs –

AerialOGI Payload Specs –